My name is Dale Newman, born in London, England but I’ve been living in The Netherlands for the last 28 years. After a long technical education and career, I found my way into the education system. I work at Gymnasium Felisenum which is where shortly, I’ll be giving fear of failure training. That’s how I got to know Pia Crul who has her own fear of failure training method called Daredevils. I’m very enthusiastic about her method. It enables me to stitch all the (sometimes missing) pieces together to offer a complete, structured and compact course that pupils really do understand.

Pia, tell me, what is the point of fear of failure training?
At a time when more and more is expected of pupils and students in various areas, fear of failure is becoming a growing concern. Many of them are not getting the right guidance at school. Sometimes pupils and students hide their fears, sometimes school doesn’t recognise the problem because they are too fixed on good results and hard work.

Which questions are there to possibly expose fear of failure?
‘Do you regularly suffer from a lack of concentration when you are studying, or during an exam or presentation? ’ ‘Do you often doubt
your abilities? ’ ‘Do you feel too much stress - physically and mentally - because of your perfectionism?’ ‘Do you suffer from high expectations and feel like giving up?’

How does, or how can fear of failure exist?
Fear is our strongest and most hidden emotion. And when it becomes a pattern it often leads to mental blocks or too much stress. The consequences are less self-confidence, frustration, decreasing results and loss of energy and motivation.

Can you tell me more about the method and for who you’ve written it?
This evidence based method was written eight years ago: in Dutch it is called LEFGASTEN (almost 5000 copies have been sold) and in English (available since June 2017) it is called DAREDEVILS. There’s a book for teenagers and a book for students. The DAREDEVILS method is about the real causes of stress. It makes them visible and offers clear instructions and exercises to step out of the vicious circle. Schools, especially teachers and mentors, parents, study advisers and councillors will also find tools in these books. In this way they also can help their children or pupils.

Pia, thank you for your information, I’m really looking forward to giving the training using your method. I’ll definitely be using the book, so that parents and colleges can read along.

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